I haven't been able to write anything interesting for a while now. And when I do write something it's total crap to the extent that I can barely read it silently to myself for editing purposes (*See Exhibit A: My last blog post)
No really, you don't have to be kind. I can take it. It was total crap.
I'm not even the kind of writer who is a perfectionist or thinks every word I write needs to be relevant or inspiring. At best I'm an aspiring part-time blogger who has the lofty goal of getting her thoughts out into a little corner of the internet and maybe making someone else smile while I'm at it.
I set the bar so low for myself I'm practically tripping over it and yet I STILL can't write. And I know why. I am all talked out.
For a few different reasons.
1) I changed companies.
Taking a new job with a new company required more talking than I expected. First I had to explain who I am, what my experience has been, why I am qualified and what I planned to do in the position if given the opportunity.
Then when I actually got the job I had to explain my thoughts, my approach to the work and my decisions to every person whose path I cross throughout the course of a day. I am a stranger to 95% of my co-workers...how can they be expected to understand who I am or what I'm about?
There's only one way...lots of talking.
2) The Presidential election and the horror that followed.
We Americans were, and continue to be flooded with everything from fear mongering to endless SNL sketches and everything in between.
It's been a very you-can-run-but-you-can't-hide time for the media in our lives. It's everywhere you look and seemingly all anyone wants to talk about - and I'll admit it. I'm guilty. I jumped right on the talk bandwagon.
Anyone who knows me well knows I am not shy when it comes to my political beliefs or opinions about our elected officials. I realize there are two "untouchables" in the rules of polite conversation and they are a) religion and b) politics. I figure since I rarely discuss religion that politics should be free game (or maybe I just don't like rules).
It's possible I have nothing left to say on the topic of American politics. Or I've just surrendered to the idea that what's done is done. Or all the energy I put into the reading/watching/thinking about the topic finally took a toll on me.
Either way, I'm spent. Too much talking.
3) I'm almost 40 and overly socialized.
I've been fortunate enough to live a life filled with good friends. In the last decade however, with the introduction of little humans, the socializing really kicked into high gear. There are girl's nights out to take a break from mommy duty.
There are dinner parties/holiday parties to take a break from adulting, and let's not forget, my personal favorite... "play dates" that involve kids running around destroying the house while moms day drink.
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then the next morning I'm all like... |
I don't mean to sound Grinchy...the 30-something social scene has been and continues to be a blast. I still enjoy being social, having a cocktail or three and laughing until I cry with a group of friends.
It all just requires a lot of well...talking.
These days I am feeling...
Like actions speak louder than words.
Like maybe not everything we think needs to make the journey from our brain to our lips.
Like we all have a chapter of our life we don't need to read out loud.
Like someone can tell you more with their eyes than they can with words.
Like maybe if what we're about to say isn't rooted in kindness, love, or a genuine desire to bring about positive change then we should just say...
Our voices are important and we shouldn't be afraid to use them, but we also shouldn't overlook the important interactions that happen in those times of silence. Those times when we aren't debating or explaining or gossiping or disagreeing or fighting for air time.
When we are quiet we give ourselves and the people around us a chance to reflect and breathe. When we are quiet it means we are watching others, or listening to someone besides ourselves, or better yet, doing something for someone.
The peaceful times in between the noise are when we have the opportunity to really see someone else, and for them to fully see us.
Because there is beauty in that space in between.
There is peace in that silence.
And because we all sound the same when we're speechless.
Be well friends. xo, juli