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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

little whispers.

I heard once that life is constantly whispering to us...and if we ignore the whispers too long they will eventually turn into screams.  I actually think I heard it on Oprah which is strange because I've never really even watched I'm not sure how that's possible.  Either way I loved the sentiment.  We have all heard these little whispers in different ways in our lives haven't we?  

The whispers that say the fun little habit may have crossed over into addiction.  The whispers that tell us the trying relationship has turned downright unhealthy.  The ones that say it is time to look inward and focus on our personal growth and healing when we have given too much of ourselves away.  The whispers that tell us our passion could actually become the foundation for a whole new life if we wanted to work for it.  

Lately, my life has been whispering to me so loudly it's getting hard to hear Pandora.  The past few months have been a whirlwind combination of a sick family member, more business travel than I am used to, personal obligations, and family scheduling exercises that could confuse Google Calendar.  Throw Christmas prep on top of that pile, and well, put it this way - my house is messy and I don't really care.  That's where I'm at right now.

Rather than doing what I would normally do, which is to make sure everyone in my life has what they need from me first, I am trying something completely different.  I am listening to the whispers and giving myself what I need instead.  Years ago I started hearing (and totally ignoring) messages from my body to start taking better care of myself.  Then, a couple of months ago, despite having little free time, I signed up for a circuit training-type exercise class two nights a week.  

Not only did I sign up, but I am actually going and loving it.  This is a real first for me.  On top of my new-found affinity for exercise I have also been singing more than usual, writing less than usual, dancing more than usual, socializing less than usual, worrying less than usual and generally giving less of myself away than I normally do.  I have been focusing a little bit on (gasp) myself and it has turned out to be a very cool and introspective time of self discovery.

The holidays are a good time to go inside ourselves a little bit aren't they?  This time of year is perfect for reflection, introspection and pause to listen for life's little messages.  

For example, when:

  • Your kids have been out late three nights in a row, have been eating nothing but candy canes all day and are crumbling.  Cancel your plans and stay home.
  • You have been "over enjoying" holiday parties and are feeling like the next stop may be Betty Ford?  Put the drink down.
  • You're emotionally disconnected from someone you love?  Spend time with them.
  • You're feeling like a first world slouch who pulls the trigger on a $653.00 Amazon shopping cart full of things your kids don't especially need?  Give to charity.

like this one

or this one

Whatever the whispers are trying to tell you this holiday, pause for a minute and hear them.  They are, after all, just our inner voice telling us where we should be investing ourselves, our time and our energy.  What could be more deserving of our attention?

Let that voice guide your decisions down the path that will ultimately lead you to your happiest holiday yet.  The path that shows us all the magic, beauty and excitement we have the opportunity to experience every single day from the minute we open our eyes.  If we open our hearts, stay very still, and listen for the little whispers. 

Wishing you and yours a very merry everything.  xo - juli